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Practical English Writing

课程编码:08A11290 学分:2.0 课程类别:专业任选课

计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践:0 上机:0


推荐教材:丁往道、吴冰.英语写作手册(英文版第三版) [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009.


1. 冯秀红.实用英语写作[M].南京:东南大学出版社. 2008.

2. 田力平.实用英语写作[M].北京:北京邮电大学出版社有限公司. 2012.

3. 周邦友.英语应用文写作(第四版)[M].上海:东华大学出版社, 2015.




1. 通过本课程学习,学生应掌握常用英语应用文的用途及基本格式、写作特点以及相关的常用句型或词汇。

2. 通过学习和实践,能够运用英语熟练地写作专用书信、求职应用文、便条、备忘录、启事以及通知等各种应用文,做到格式规范、条理清晰、内容充实、语言通顺、用词得当。

3. 进一步提高书面表达能力和综合运用英语能力。



第一章:General Remarks on Practical English Writing 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] Learn about the importance, the characteristics and principles of practical English writing.

[教学重点与难点] Characteristics and principles of practical English writing.

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Importance of practical English writing

第二节Characteristics of practical English writing

第三节Principles of practical English writing

第四节Rudimentary knowledge of practical English writing

第二章:Social Correspondence 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求] Grasp writing of social correspondence.

[教学重点与难点] structure of a letter; Characteristics of personal letters and social letters

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work;Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节structure of a letter

第二节how to write personal Letters

第三节how to write social Letters

第三章:Business Letters 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求] Grasp the characteristics of business letters. Learn to write the appropriate business letters.

[教学重点与难点] Structure and Style of Business Letters

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Structure and Style of Business Letters

第二节Samples of General Business Letters

第三节Business terms, common words and expressions in business letters

第四章:Personal and Public Information 建议学时:8

[教学目的与要求] Learn how to offer personal and public information.

[教学重点与难点] the writing of resume, application letters, notice and news announcement.

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Writing of personal statement and resume

第二节Writing of application letters

第三节Writing of notice

第四节Writing of news announcement

第五章:Advertisements 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] Learn how to write advertisements.

[教学重点与难点] structure and stylistic features of advertisements

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Writing of merchandise selling advertisements

第二节Writing of enrollment Advertisements

第三节Writing of employment Advertisements

第六章:Research Paper Writing 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求] Learn how to write research papers.

[教学重点与难点] General format and stylistic features of research papers

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Usual steps in writing a research paper

第二节Stipulated format of research paper

第三节Useful expressions and structures in research paper writing

撰稿人:戴理敏 审核人:宋庆伟



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