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An Overview of Lexicology

课程编码:08A11450 学分:2.0 课程类别:专业任选课

计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践:0 上机:0



参考书目:1.汪榕培,王之江,朱越峰,《英语词汇学》,华东师范大学出版社, 2011年.

2.陈友良,刘明东,《英语词汇学》,电子科技大学出版社, 2005年.










Chapter 1 A General Survey of English Vocabulary 建议学时:2




教学重点:1. Definition of English words

2. The three phases of English vocabulary

教学难点:Classification of English vocabulary?

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

1.1 The development of English vocabulary

A. English vocabulary as viewed in the historical perspective

B. The rapid growth of present-day English vocabulary

1.2. Classifications of English words according to different criteria

A. By origin:

B. By level of usage

C. By notion

Chapter 2 Morphological Structure of English Words 建议学时:2




教学重点:1. Definition of morpheme

2. Definition of allomorph

教学难点:Classification of morphemes

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

2.1 Morphemes

A. Definition

B. Allomorphs

2.2 Classification of Morphemes

A. Free morphemes and bound morphemes

B. Roots and affixes

Chapter 3 Word-formation I (the three major processes of word-formation) 建议学时:3




1. Definition and illustration of compounding

2. Definition and illustration of derivation

3. Definition and illustration of conversion

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

3.1 General Remarks

A. Percentage of new words coined by the different word-formation processes after World War II

B. Some basic concepts of word- formation

3.2 Compounding

A. Definition

B. Classification of compounds

3.3 Derivation

A. Definition

B. Prefixation

C. Suffixation

3.4 Conversion

A. Introductory remarks

B. Types of conversion

Chapter 4 Word-formation II (the minor processes of word-formation) 建议学时:3


通过本章学习掌握八类次要构词法:首字母法(acronym),混合法(blending),截短法(clipping),专有名词(word from proper names),逆构法(back-formation),复制法(reduplication),新古典法(neo-classical formation)以及混杂法(miscellaneous)。能够辨别这八种构词法的不同并由此推测词类和词义。


1. Definition of acronym

2. The difference between initialism and acronym

3. Definition of back-formation and clipping

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

4.1 Acronymy: Initialisms and Acronyms

A. Initialisms

B. Acronyms

4.2 Clipping

A. Back Clippings

B. Front Clippins

C. Front and back clippings

D. Phrase clippings

4.3 Blending

A. The first part of the first word + the last part of the second one

B. The first part of the first word + the first part of the second one

C. Whole form of the first word + last part of the second word

D. First part of the first word + whole form of the second word

4.4 Back-formation

A. Definition

B. Sources of back-formation

4.5 Words from Proper Names

A. Words from the names of scientists

B. Words from the names of politicians and statesmen

C. Words from the names of places

D. Words from trademarks

E. Words from literature

4.6 Reduplication

A. Definition

B. Sources of reduplication

4.7 Neoclassical Formation

A. Definition

B. Sources neoclassical formation

4.8 Miscellaneous

A. Definition

B. Sources

Chapter 5 Word Meaning and Semantic Features 建议学时:4




1. The difference between grammatical meaning and lexical meaning.

2. Ways to identify semantic features.

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

5.1 Conventionality and Motivation

A. Conventionality

B. Motivation

5.2 Main types of Word Meaning

A. Grammar meaning

B. Lexical meaning

5.3 Componential Analysis and Semantic Features

A. Componential Analysis on the basis of semantic contrast

B. Advantages and disadvantages of componential Analysis

Chapter 6 Polysemy and Homonymy 建议学时:4


通过本章学习掌握一词多义和同音异义词的概念及三种不同的同音异义词:完全同音同形词(perfect homonyms)、同音异义词(homophones)和同形异义词(homographs)。了解同音异义词的三种主要来源。学会赏析一词多义跟同音异义词都具有使文章更具幽默讽刺和戏剧性的文体价值。


1. Definition of polysemy and homonym

2. Definition of radiation and concatenation

3. Sources of homonyms

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

6.1 Polysemy

A. Definition

B. Two approaches to polysemy

C. Two processes leading to polysemy

6.2 Homonymy

A. Types of homonyms

B. Sources of homonyms

6.3 The Stylistic Value of Polysemy and Homonymy

A. The stylistic value of polysemy

B. The stylistic value of homonymy

Chapter 7 Sense Relations Between Words 建议学时:4




1. Kinds of sense relations

2. The difference between hyponym and superodinate relative

3. Perfect synonyms

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

7.1 Synonymy

A. Definition of synonymy

B. Types of synonymy

&n, bsp; C. Synonymous patterns

D. The choice and appropriate use of synonyms

7.2 Antonymy

A. Types of antonyms

B. Some relevant points about anonyms

C. Use of anonyms

7.3 Hyponymy

A. Definition of hyponymy

B. Functions of hyponymy

7.4 Semantic Field

A. Definition of semantic field

B. Functions of semantic field

Chapter 8 Meaning and Context 建议学时:3




1. Two types of contexts

2. The vital roles of context in determination of word meaning

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

8.1 Two Types of Contexts

A. Linguistic context

B. Extra-linguistic context / Context of situation

8.2 The Vital Role of Context in Determination of Word Meaning

A. Elimination ambiguities

B. Conveying emotional overtones

C. Indicating referents and the range of the meaning of a word

8.3 Suggested Ways for the Correct Comprehension of Word Meaning

A. The use of an up-to-date and adequate monolingual dictionary

B. A good knowledge of the culture of the English-speaking people

C. Development of the ability to determine the meaning of a word from its context

Chapter 9 Changes in Word Meaning 建议学时:3




1. Causes of changes in word meaning

2. Four tendencies in semantic change

3. Semantic development or change resulting from the figurative use of word

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

9.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning

A. Historical cause

B. Social cause

C. Foreign influences

D. Linguistic cause

E. Psychological cause

9.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change

A. Restriction of meaning(specialization)

B. Extension of meaning(generalization)

C. Degeneration of meaning(pejoration)

D. Elevation of meaning(amelioration)

9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words

A. Metaphor

B. Metonymy

Chapter 10 English Idioms 建议学时:2




1. Classification of idioms

2. Syntactic, structural and stylistic analysis of idioms

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[授 课 内 容]

10.1 Introductory Remarks

10.2 Sources of English Idioms

10.3 Classification of Idioms

A. Phrase idioms

B. Clause idioms

C. Sentence idioms

10.4 Syntactic, Structural and Stylistic Analysis of Idioms

A. Syntactic function

B. Transformational restrictions

C. Collective restriction

D. Structural variability

D. Stylistic features

Chapter 11 American English 建议学时:1




1. Characteristics of American English

2. Differences between British and American English

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

11.1 Growth of American English

A. Before independence

B. From independence to the early nineteenth century

C. From the early 19thcentury ti the present time

D. The impact of American English on British English

11.2 Characteristics of American English

A. Creativeness in enriching the language

B. Conservativeness or retention of archaic feature

C. Heterogeneity

D. Relative uniformity in speech

F. Use of big words

G. Verbose and plain style in writing

11.3 Differences between British and American English

A. Differences in pronunciation

B. Differences in spelling

C. Differences in grammar

D. Differences in vocabulary

Chapter 12 English Dictionary and How to Use Them 建议学时:1




1. The types of dictionary

2. The choice of dictionary

3. The use of dictionary

[授 课 方 法]


[授 课 内 容]

12.1 Introductory Remarks

A. Lexicology and dictionaries

B. Trends of English dictionaries-prescriptive and descriptive dictionaries

12.2 Types of Dictionaries

A. Linguistic dictionaries and encyclopedic

B. General and special dictionaries

C. Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries

D. Synchronic and diachronic dictionaries

E. Unabridged, medium-sized, and pocket dictionaries

F. Ideological dictionaries

G. Monolingual dictionaries for non-native learners

12.3 The Choices of a Dictionary

A. Suitability

B. Contents

C. Authority

D. Up-to-dateness

12.4 How to Use a Dictionary

A. Read the introduction and guide to the use of the dictionary

B. Make full use of the entry contents

C. Choose the right meaning

D. Know the inadequacies of the dictionaries

撰稿人张晓蕾 审核人 宋庆伟



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