Spoken English III
课程编码:08A11110 学分: 2.0 课程类别:专业基础必修课
计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践: 0 上机:0
第一章: Who am I 建议学时:4
[教学重点与难点] 如何掌握并灵活运用有关个人深度介绍的口语词汇。
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expressions about person’s physical appearance and character.
1) Warm-up: types of people
2) Expressions about physical appearance
3) Expressions about character
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Comment on the personality theories..
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Describe a person that you admire
第二章: Catching the Olympic Spirit 建议学时:3
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about the Olympic Spirit
1)Warm-up: Identify the Olympic sports.
2) Expressions about Olympics.
3) Expressions about Sports.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Comment on Olympic Spirits.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Describe the Olympic Sports in your own words.
第三章: Growing Pains 建议学时:3
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about the Growing Pains
1)Warm-up: Recall the childhood of yourself
2) Expressions about personal feelings
3) Expressions about autonomy and identity
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Comment on the growing pain of the teenagers.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Discuss your own feeling with your classmates.
4) Choose several students to do the class performances.
第四章: Traveling the World 建议学时:3
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about traveling the world
1)Warm-up: Identify traveling.
2) Expressions about traveling experiences.
3) Expressions about personal feelings.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Comment on your favorite traveling spot.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Exchange your traveling feelings with other students.
第五章: Human Relationship 建议学时:4
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about Human Relationship
1)Warm-up: Identify Human relationships.
2) Expressions about Friend.
3) Expressions about love.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Comment on Human Relationship.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Describe the Human relationship in your own words.
第六章: Ideal Career 建议学时:4
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about the Ideal Career
1)Warm-up: what is your ideal career.
2) Expressions about different careers.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Describe your ideal career and explain why.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Discuss the issues involved in career choice and career development.
第七章: Why Study Abroad 建议学时:3
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about the Ideal Career
1)Warm-up: Present the pros and cons of a controversial issue.
2) Expressions about studying abroad.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Describe the phenomenon of studying abroad.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Discuss the causes for the present changes in people’s desire to go abroad.
4) Choose several students to do class performance.
第八章: East Meet West 建议学时:3
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about the Different cultures.
1)Warm-up: describe the characteristics of the western culture.
2) Describe the characteristics of the easetern culture.
3) Expression about the culture differences.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Describe your culture shock.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Discuss the possibilities of making friends with foreigners.
4) Describe one of culture difference and make class report.
第九章: Are you Leading a Healthy Life 建议学时:3
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about the Leading a Healthy Life.
1)Warm-up: describe the relationship between health and life.
2) Expression about the modern health.
3) Expression about the modern lifestyles.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Describe your ideas about how to lead a healthy life.
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Discuss critically and extensively about modern lifestyle.
第十章: Putonghua and the Dialects 建议学时:4
[授 课 方 法]以模拟语境课堂会话为主,以课堂讲授为辅。
[授 课 内 容]
1. Expression about the Different cultures.
1)Warm-up: Do you speak Putonghua or dialect in public?
2) Expression about the Putonghua.
3) Expression about the dialects.
2. Session I
1) Learn a couple of vocabularies.
2) Read the texts aloud.
3) Describe the relationship between Putonghua and the dialects
3. Session II
1) Read the texts in pairs.
2) Finish the after-class activities.
3) Discuss whether it is important to maintain our dialects.
4) Discuss the benefits and problems brought about by the promotion of Putonghua.
撰稿人:郑婷 审核人:宋庆伟