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English-Chinese Translation

课程编码:08A11300 学分:2 课程类别:专业必修课

计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践:0 上机:0













第一章:General Principles 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

1.1 What is Translation?

1.2 The Assessment of Translation

1.3 The Competence of a Translator

1.4 Translation Strategies

1.5 Basic Processes in Translating

第二章:Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese 建议学时:4


[教学重点与难点] 英汉语言差异

[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

2.1 Study of the English Language

2.2 Study of the English Language

2.3 English vs. Chinese: Ten Pairs of Features

2.4 Synthetic vs. Analytic

2.5 Rigid vs. Supple

2.6 Hypotactic vs. Paratactic

2.7 Complex vs. Simple

2.8 Impersonal vs. Personal

2.9 Passive vs. Active

2.10 Static vs. Dynamic

2.11 Abstract vs. Concrete

2.12 Indirect vs. Direct

2.13 Substitutive vs. Repetitive

第三章:Diction 建议学时:4



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

3.1 Choice of Affective Meanings

3.2 Choice of Grammatical Meanings

3.3 Choice of Contextual Meanings

3.4 Choice of Collocative Meanings

3.5 Choice of Stylistic Meanings

3.6 Choice of Ambiguous Meanings

3.7 Choice of Extended Meanings

3.8 Choice of Equivalent Meanings

3.9 Choice of Exact Meanings

3.10 Choice of Different Chinese Words to Translate the Same English Word or Use of the Same Chinese Word(s) to Translate Different English Words

第四章:Conversion 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

4.1Conversion of Word Classes

4.2 Conversion of Sentence Members

4.3 Conversion of Impersonal Subjects

4.4 Conversion of Perspectives

第五章:Addition 建议学时:1



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

5.1 Structural Addition

5.2 Semantic Addition

5.3 Rhetorical Addition

第六章:Omission 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

6.1 Omission of Words Peculiar to English

6.2 Omission of Words Superfluous in Chinese

6.2.1Omission of Pronouns

6.2.2Omission of Connectives

6.2.3Omission of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

6.2.4Omission of Verbs or Participles

6.2.5Omission of Modifier Signs “的” and “地”

6.2.6Omission of Words for Conciseness, but Not at the Expense of Meanings

第七章:Repetition 建议学时:1



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

7.1 Grammatical Repetition

7.2 Rhetorical Reduplication and Repetition

第八章:Inversion 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

8.1 Inversion of Word Order in Translating Word-Groups or Phrases

8.2 Inversion of Word Order in Translating Attributes

8.3 Position of Adjective Clauses

8.4 Inversion of Adverbials

8.5 Position of Adverbial clauses

8.6 Inversion of Sentence Structure

第九章:Negation 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

9.1 Transfer of the Negative

9.2 Conversion of the Affirmative into the Negative

9.3 Conversion of the Negative into the Affirmative

9.4 Translation of Various Kinds of Negations

第十章:Division 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

10. 1 Pick out of Words

10. 2 Pick out of Phrases

10. 3 Splitting of Complex Sentences

10. 4 Splitting of the Whole Sentence

第十一章:Condensation 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

11.1 Condensation of Phrases and Clauses

11.2 Condensation of Complex Sentences Into Simple Sentences

11.3 Condensation of Compound Sentences Into Simple Sentences

11.4 Condensation of Two or More Simple Sentences Into One Simple Sentences

第十二章:Passive Voice Translation 建议学时:2


[教学重点与难点] 英语被动句变成汉语隐性被动句

[授 课 方 法] 启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

12.1 Features of the English/Chinese Passive

12.2 Common ways to Translate the Passive

12.2.1Use the Original Subject

12.2.2 Use the Chinese pattern “……是……的” or supply “加以” “予以” while retaining the original subject

12.2.3 Change Wording while Retaining the Original Subject

12.2.4 Convert the Verbs in Passive Form Into Chinese Nouns

12.2.5 Convert the English Subject Into the Chinese Object

12.2.6 Supply Indefinite Subjects like “有人” “人家” “大家” “我们” “本文”

12.2.7 Convert the English Passive Into a subjectless or subject-omitted Chinese sentence

第十三章:Translation of Long Sentences 建议学时:2


[教学重点与难点] 长句的理解、拆分和倒置

[授 课 方 法] 启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

13.1 Follow the Original Order

13.2 Invert the Original Order

13.3 Split a Long Sentence Into Shorter Parts/Sentences

13.4 Draw Close Members of a Sentence/Words of a Phrase

第十四章:Translation of Culture-loaded Expressions 建议学时:2



[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

14.1 Foreignizing Translation

14.2 Domesticating Translation

14.3 Semantic Translation

14.4 Three Don’ts in Translating English Idioms

14.5 Proper Use of Chinese Idioms in Translation

第十五章:Translation of Proper Nouns and Technical Terms 建议学时:2


[教学重点与难点] 音译方法、意译方法

[授 课 方 法]启发式教学法、讨论教学法

[授 课 内 容]

15.1 Transliteration

15.2 Semantic Translation

15.3 Both Transliteration and Semantic Translation

15.4 Shape-related Symbol Translation with a Semantic Explanation Added at the End

15.5 Semantic Translation with the Original Alphabet, Abbreviation, or Number at the Beginning or at the End

撰稿人:孙燕 审核人: 宋庆伟



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