发布时间:2016年05月20日 00:00    来源:william威廉亚洲官方    点击:[]


Basic English Writing

课程编码:08A11170 学分:2 课程类别:专业基础课

计划学时:32 其中讲课:32 实验或实践:0 上机:0




1. J. Langan. College Writing Skills (Sixth Edition) [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2007.

2. J. M. Lannon. The Writing Process: a Concise Rhetoric (Fifth edition) [M]. New York: Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 1995.

3. V. R. Narayanaswam. Strengthen Your Writing (Third Edition) [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2007.

4.王崇义.英语写作教程[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 2010.

5.邹申.写作教程1-2册(第二版)[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2011.









第一章:Manuscript Form 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求]Grasp Manuscript Form in English writing. Learn something about Arrangement, Capitalization,and Word Division & Punctuation.

[教学重点与难点] Manuscript Form in English writing;Word Division & Punctuation

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Arrangement & Capitalization



第二节Word Division &Punctuation

一、Word Division



第二章:Diction 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求]Grasp levels and the Meaning Of words; Understand general and specific words, idioms and figures of Speech.

[教学重点与难点]figures of Speech; General and specific words

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work;Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Levels of Words & The Meaning Of Words

一、Levels of Words

二、The Meaning Of Words

第二节General and Specific Words & Idioms

一、General and Specific Words


第三节Figures of Speech &.Dictionaries

一、Figures of Speech:Simile,Metaphor,Personification,Metonymy,etc.

二、Dictionaries: Using Dictionaries

第三章:The Sentence 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求]Grasp the Complete Sentences and Sentence fragments, types of Sentences. Learn to write the Effective Sentences

[教学重点与难点] Complete Sentences and Sentence fragments;types of Sentences

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Complete Sentences and Sentence Fragments & Types of Sentences

一、Complete Sentences and Sentence Fragments

二、Types of Sentences

1.Declarative,Interrogative,Imperative,and Exclamatory Sentences

2.Simple,Compound,Complex,and Compound-Complex Sentences

3.Loose, Periodic, and Balanced Sentences

4.Short and Long Sentences

第二节Effective Sentences




第四章:The Paragraph 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求] Have a good command of the Criteria of an effective paragraph. Use skillfully Steps in writing a paragraph andways of Developing Paragraphs.

[教学重点与难点] ways of Developing Paragraphs

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Criteria of an Effective Paragraph




第二节Steps in Writing a Paragraph

一、think of the topic, theme or main idea

二、express it in topic sentence

三、think of the details, examples or facts to support the main idea

四、work out an outline

第三节Ways of Developing Paragraphs

一、Development by Time

二、Development by Process

三、Development by Space

四、Development by Example or Generalization

五、Development by Comparison and Contrast

六、Development by Cause and Effect

七、Development by Classification

八、Development by Definition

第五章:The Whole Composition 建议学时:6

[教学目的与要求]Understand the Criteria of a Good Composition Grammar. Grasp the Steps in Writing a Composition.

[教学重点与难点] Three Main Parts of a Composition

[授 课 方 法] Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节Criteria of a Good Composition



三、something interesting or important

第二节Steps in Writing a Composition

一、Planning a Composition

二、Writing the First Draft

三、Revising the First Draft

四、Making the Final Copy

第三节Three Main Parts of a Composition

一、The Beginning

二、The Middle

三、The End

第六章:The Summary and Book Report 建议学时:4

[教学目的与要求]Understand the skills in writing a summary;Make a good command of the skills in writing a book report.

[教学重点与难点] practicing writing a summaryandbook report

[授 课 方 法]Take the approach of lecture combined with personal writing practice and group work; Traditional teaching approach combined with modern teaching facility—Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

[授 课 内 容]

第一节The Summary

一、topic sentences



第二节Book Report

一、reading the book

二、grasping the main idea

三、giving your comments

撰稿人:贾春霞 审核人: 宋庆伟



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